Thursday, March 27, 2008

G4 the further decline of stupidity.

I was an avid fan of Tech tv, they had many quality programs that favored information over comedic scripts and sexual overtones. Tech tv would later be sold to G4, who's primary goal was to out MTV, MTV. At the start( the golden years ) G4 had some very good shows such as Judgment day, pulse, & filter to name a few. Many of the shows provided good info on the gaming biz as a whole, with host and writers who were more inclined to keep people updated rather then making them laugh or reporting on completely irrelevant shit. Those days are long gone and now we are left with scripted half ass sitcoms trying to masquerade as news or review shows, and reruns of programs no one ever cared about when they were new. Absurd shows from across the way now fill most spots on the network.

Attack of the show( AOTS ) had some promise at the start until the morons who run G4 decided it wasn't hip or sexy enough. So the cast was overhauled to aspiring actors & actress's who can read from a cue card and well ACT like they have a clue as to what the hell they are talking about. The abundance of ignorance that the host of AOTS portray during their hour slot is beyond sad and sometimes makes me feel embarrassed for these actors. Especially when they try so desperately to mix humor and sexual overtones into the mix. Not to mention the total mismatching or miscasting of the host's, you have Kevin Pereira a PC nerd gone wrong, this guy seriously looks like someone who possibly might spend his off hours outside of local playgrounds. On the female side of the cast we have Olivia Munn an aspiring actress who wears push-up bra's 8 times to small which would explain why her head always looks like its about to explode and her facial movement is very restricted, then theres Kristin Holt a former American Idol.....nuff said.

The next show we have is X play, a supposed game review/news show. Adam Sessler has been doing this show since it was titled Extended play and then he wasn't bad, he did his job. But management changed and cue cards changed, shit happens. He has always looked like he is a day away from retiring, but he goes on, unlike his hair. For the cream of the crop we have his co host Morgan Webb, I'm sorry but whoever thought this girl was camera friendly needs to be hit 7 or 8 times in the head with a tire iron. Not mention her voice......I've heard cats **** with more harmony. Outside the insults, much like AOTS X play favors comedic scripts focused more on making stupid ass jokes rather than giving a good coherent
assessment on what ever game they claim to be reviewing.

Beyond my childish insults of the "characters" of these shows the fact remains that none of them even do their job well. A lot of that could be blamed on the writers, but be clear when you hire an actor you know right off, they either got it or they don't. When either of the shows interview a developer its the worse, they are far more concerned with kissing ass and getting greased then asking legitimate questions like "why would you release a game in such bad shape". G4 apparently only care about reaching the kids....the "hip" kids, but I'm not exactly clear on how they plan to do that with reruns of cops. I understand that as a company such as G4 needs to reach an audience, but they are absolutely clueless on who they are trying to reach, without a doubt G4 is the most unstable disoriented Television network I have ever had the displeasure of viewing.

They put polls on their site to see what fans would like to see and to take suggestions, then they totally ignore the results. Hell, they want even allow you to criticize, debate, or question any of their host on their forums anymore, doing so will result in suspensions and bans. I'm still waiting to see if they try to create their own TRL, with Kristin Holt hosting that train wreck. We can only hope G4 will eventually get their act together or another network will start up. Its sad that most gamers and PC enthusiast have nowhere else to turn on TV for the info they want and are subjected to the stupidity that is G4.

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