Friday, March 28, 2008

The blu-ray hype.

I'll keep this short. SONY's ushering in of blu-ray pissed many off, mainly supporters of HD-DVD. But SONY proclaimed blu-ray as the holy grail of disc. While there is nothing wrong with blu-ray itself it has caused a retard race amongst SONY developers. The developers of LAIR, HEAVENLY SWORD, and Resistance all shouted loudly that ONLY on blu-ray could there games be done. The hype ball was started. The orders were passed down from SONY to these developers "fill the space", and they did. Lots of uncompressed material and buffers, and bam you have a 20gb game or bigger. Lair has about 4 1/2hrs of gameplay, Heavenly sword has 6hrs, and resistance has about 9 -11hrs. Resistance is about what the average game last, Lair and HS are embarrassments for games, yet they needed blu-ray.

The latest developer to start the blu-ray hype train up is Hideo Kojima developer of the METAL GEAR SOLID series. Hideo is actually claiming blu-ray( 50gb of storage space most games even next gen games don't even reach 9gb ) is not big enough for MGS 4. Now unlike other site who are kissing Hideo's ass I'm calling bullshit on him, MGS is SONY's supposed savior, its their flagship title for the PS3. There is no doubt that this is publicity stunt by Hideo & SONY to severly over hype MGS4. But good god talk about overkill, a little hype is good to sell your product. I have to believe its a publicity stunt to help push blu-ray even more its either that or Hideo's mind has gone the way of the Mayans.
Kojima : I am not satisfied with the quality yet, however…there isn’t enough space.
Interviewer: Not enough space on Blu-ray?
Kojima: Yes. [laughter] Not enough space.
This is not a harp on blu-ray. Blu-ray can be good for games, but only if its used efficiently and not as some moronic pissing contest.


Zack549 said...

I stumbled upon this blog and I totally agree with your article about blu-ray.

I'm sure it's great for movies and in the future it will be needed for games, but right now it's pointless in gaming, and when the graphical power-house that is Crysis only takes up about 6 or 7GB's, I seriously doubt that MGS 4 needs over 50.

Keep on posting great articles, and I'll keep reading them.

Pitt said...

Thanks man.

Unknown said...

Well you probably didn't read too far into what he was saying because he went further to say it's because he's using UNCOMPRESSED SOUND. Uncompressed sound is flippin' huge. And he said it wasn't big enough to fit both the English and Japanese track on the same disc. Do some research before you start bashing.

Pitt said...

You should learn to read correctly. Hideo is going out of his way to purposely overfill blu-ray. Do some research before replying.

Unknown said...

He's not filling up blu-ray for the sake of filling the disc. He's uncompressing the sound so it sounds better.

Compression makes sound quality go down the tube.

Uncompressed sound is amazing sounding, if you've ever heard it (Real life).

Anyone with surround sound is going to be amazed by the in-game sound quality because it's 100% uncompressed.

Pitt said...

I'm not disputing uncompressed sound quality, but its something few will notice or care about. Lair & Heavenly sword were both said to only be doable on blu-ray, once all games were released the tech heads ripped em apart to find them no bigger then a normal game. Just a lot of uncompressed shit and duplicated data.

Unknown said...

You realize that uncompressed also shortens load times, right? Because things don't have to be uncompressed and THEN loaded. They just have to be loaded.

Pitt said...

Right, duplicating data also shorten load times. ALL of this "needs" to be done along with a more than likely force install to have standard loading speeds like on the 360 or WII. However it doesn't have to be overkilled which is what Hideo is doing.

Its not a question of whether developers on the PS3 need blu-ray, because the answer is yes on the "PS3" they "need" blu-ray.

Unknown said...

So basically you're saying that since Kojima is trying to make a really cool experience by not using compressed sound that he's somehow trying to make blu-ray sound better than it really is?

He's trying something different to make a better experience and all you can do is say he's trying to fill as much space on the disc as humanly possible just to make the PS3 sound good?

People were already excited for MGS4 LONG before he made that comment. I doubt that comment really did much in terms of getting more customers.

Pitt said...

He's not trying something different, he's over killing. Hideo always makes BOLD claims. It does add to the hype regardless if you want to believe it or not. By claiming blu-ray isn't big enough for MGS 4 he's 1. over exaggerating his game 2. Playing bitch boy to SONY like he "always" has and 3. Spreading SONY's propaganda that blu-ray is needed.