Monday, June 16, 2008

Pity 10's?

Not that I have ever taken IGN or Gamespot seriously with their game reviews but they at least have always been able to maintain some form of integrity. Until now! GTA 4 was one of the most hyped games maybe only second to Metal gear solid 4, but it had an explosive launch, good sales and good reviews . IGN gave the game a 10 and the edge to the the PS3( which was later disproved that the PS3 version had any edge ), the review read like a fanboy rant instead of a secure professional unbiased opinion. IGN could not very well give the PS3 version a 10 and score the 360 version lower, so they did what all childish fanboys do, they praised the PS3 version and downplayed the 360 version. Gamespot( GS ) initial review I believe was 9.5, but was literally taken down and changed to a 10 in a matter of hours. That alone should be a red flag to gamers everywhere. Now some could argue that there are other sites that gave this game a 10 and thats true. But those are we call bitch sites, because they feed off the two bigger ones for their info. Funny thing is IGN & GS really do dictate peoples decisions on a level that would make the Stepford wives cry. On some levels its funny as hell that someone could be so goddamn gullible and impressionable that whether they like the game or not they consciously force themselves to because of the scores. On another level its sad because these are the people who will one day join a suicide cult.

The whole GTA 4 10/10 was a fishy thing in itself, but low and behold the release of MGS 4 and IGN and GS are handing out 10's yet again! MGS 4 is probably the biggest game the PS3 has until the next FF of god of war. IGN's review yet again read like a dipshit fanboy rant instead of a professional objective written review. GS has Konami ad' all over the goddamn place( nuff said ) and David Hayter is predicting a 360 port, its a mad world indeed.

But one has to wonder if these games are deserving of the notorious 10/10. Having played both games I would say ohhhh hellll no! GTA 4 is entertaining for a short while but is severely lacking and become a chore. MGS 4 is entertaining much in the way that previous installments were but far from a 10. Neither game is bad in fact both deserve a high score. But its almost like IGN and GS gave these titles pity 10's because one is SONY's flagship title and there is no way in hell they could let it fail with the hype surrounding it and the other is a multiplat game that MANY believe was/is a SONY title that should have stayed with SONY. I mean do the math, all PS3 exclusive big gun titles till now have failed miserably in content and reviews, yet the 360 big gun titles have prospered. One has to wonder if IGN & GS are being charitable to SONY with titles that even if they sucked fat infected rhinoceros balls theres no way they would have scored them differently?


Unknown said...

well honestly mgs4's 10 is warranted as no other game Ive played in a long while (gta4 included) has been this fun. but i do agree on the gta4 not deserving a 10 it is a great game but it just doesn't grip me like mgs4 has and it does get old after a while not to mention the numerous bugs. i think it should have gotten a 9.5. but again reviews are based on the opinions of the reviewer not your opinions or mine... so however they view the game is how they are going to review it... u call into question their integrity with no facts that a decision was swayed based on a monetary payment or other reason for altering their judgment. you are sounding more and more like a fan boy who cant stand to hear other people voice their opinion on the console you obviously prefer in a negative way. just give up this sorry excuse for a "unbiased" gaming blog

Pitt said...

No facts huh. IGN claimed the PS3 version of GTA 4 had the EDGE. It was later proved that it indeed did not have the EDGE over the 360 version in fact it was slight downgraded.

GS changed the GTA 4 review from 9.7 to a 10 in a matter of hours. Thats not fishy?

GS has Konami ad's out the ass.

Maybe you should try reading the article or articles before calling me a fanboy. Everything is a FACT, regardless if it fits your pathetic ass agenda.

FYI I never said MGS 4 was as bad game, just not deserving of a 10. The only people who seem to think it is deserving of a 10 are PS3 fans who are starved for good games.

Unknown said...

I never claimed u thought mgs 4 was a bad game but your general tone of the blog post was that these sites are being corrupted or feeling sorry for these publishers so they give them pity 10's which is completely false.

Also its impossible for Gamespot to have given a 9.7 as they changed their review score system a while back to a .5 system so there couldnt have been a 9.7 and if by some mistake they did put a 9.7 they must have fixed it by rounding up not down to 10. check all reviews on the site they are all X.5 or X.0

And did we forget the whole kane and lynch deal? If a reviewers integrity is in check by his parent company wanting to support their advertisers by swaying reviews, more often than not, the reviewer will show it by giving it a less than perfect review. after all an 8 is still a good review in publishers eyes.

Also your argument fails again as i explained in a previous blog post from you. A lower resolution does not mean its a slight downgrade as you nor i understand the whole rendering system in use on the ps3 and xbox 360 versions of gta4, as the reviewers pointed out and i personally have seen the ps3 has a blur filter while the 360 has a sharper picture with AA. On the same tv with no settings changed the games look dam near identicle but the "tone"(for lack of a better word) of the game looks different between the 2 , and for the most part i prefer the blur used on the ps3 as it looks slightly more real to me but the 360 version in that happens on is clear and great as well. so other than the less pop in on the ps3 the rest is a matter of opinion until the episodic content gets released.

Unknown said...

Btw for some reason its only letting me post under my girlfriends google account i previously posted under the name david

Unknown said...

Hmm also after Rereading the post i think i understand better the point you are trying to make..
That IGN/GS Gave 10's to Gta4 and MGS4 because they feel sorry for sony and wanted to throw a few bones at sony fans.... Thats gotta be the stupidest conclusion i ever heard... look at haze, sony exclusive, hyped up pretty dam well not as well as mgs4 but still it got a 6/GS 4.5/IGN.. umm yeah if they wanted to throw a bone that should have been a 7 or 8 as the game wasn't that terrible but it was pretty bad. You seem like a person to believe conspiracys are at play here... do you wear tin foil hats? do you often exclaim "they are coming for me!" lol i dont mean to insult you or anything but dude seriously its good to question the things you observe but slow down on your conclusions they often sound too far fetched and biased. just some constructive criticism.

Pitt said...

Honestly I don't remember GS' original GTA 4 score, it happened so fast. But it definitely wasn't a 10 at first.

And did we forget the whole kane and lynch deal?

Actually that incident is a little more complicated than you and others know. I know it spread like wildfire that GS fired Jeff because EIDOS threatened to pull support. However the true reason for doing so was because Jeff BOTCHED the review. He was recorded on his podcast stating his anger that he had to review K & L over the weekend when he would rather play assassins creed. A gamefaqs member had Jeffs xboxlive info and confirmed with MANY other people that Jeff only played the first level of K & L at the start of that weekend. He botched the entire review and EIDOS was right to threaten to pull support since their product didn't get a fair shake.

That IGN/GS Gave 10's to Gta4 and MGS4 because they feel sorry for sony and wanted to throw a few bones at sony fans.... Thats gotta be the stupidest conclusion i ever heard... look at haze, sony exclusive, hyped up pretty dam well not as well as mgs4 but still it got a 6/GS 4.5/IGN.. umm yeah if they wanted to throw a bone that should have been a 7 or 8 as the game wasn't that terrible but it was pretty bad.

You just made my point. There is NO way these review site could let these two titles fail ESPECIALLY MGS 4. There is no way SONY could let them fail even though one was multiplat. Haze, lair, heavenly sword were all SUPPOSE to be the PS3's heavy hitters, but review sites could not honestly praise them w/o losing any cred they had. Plus they were new IP's. Problem is you don't like what I've written so your looking for a backway, you put way too much faith into these review sites. Lets not forget SONY's "lair review packet".

do you wear tin foil hats? do you often exclaim "they are coming for me!" lol i dont mean to insult you or anything but dude seriously its good to question the things you observe but slow down on your conclusions they often sound too far fetched and biased. just some constructive criticism.

Google it! IGN let an admitted SONY fanboy review GTA 4( gave the edge to the PS3 ), GS was/is flooded with Konami ad's, etc, etc, etc. Before "trying" to debunk me look this shit up yourself and see what you think.